

Get answers to your most common questions about TNT Lawn Care. Discover how we serve our community with excellence and dedication. If you have any additional inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team for personalized assistance.

We cover all of your home or business landscaping needs. This includes mowing, mulching, planting, fertilizing, overseeding, aerating, trimming, pruning, and bush removal.

We serve Kingsport, Church Hill, Mt. Carmel, and Gray, TN.

Yes, we are licensed and insured.

Yes, we can help spruce up your property for that big get-together you’ve got coming up.

Not currently, but we are moving in the direction to provide that service by winter 2024.

Yes, we currently handle several churches in our area.

Yes, we do plant trees. We consult with area experts to ensure that you receive a beautiful species of tree that will be sustainable in our geography.

Reach Out and Transform
Your Lawn Today!

Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your lawn care needs. Our dedicated team at TNT Lawn Care is here to provide expert advice, schedule services, and answer any questions you may have. Let’s work together to create a vibrant and healthy outdoor space you’ll love to enjoy.